During our recent vacation, Pat dreamed one night that she had given me a large check to deposit, but that it hadn't been deposited.
The same night I dreamed that I was at the credit union trying to
Isn't that weird? It's like the plot of her dream jumped from her head
over to mine, and I continued the story.
That's spooky. But we were celebrating our 40th anniversary.
Perhaps our lives have become so enmeshed that our subconsciences overlap. It's not uncommon for both of us to say the same thing simultaneously, or to discover that we had been thinking about the same thing simultaneously.
Maybe there is some psychic net that connects us all, but is only turned on when people get psychically intimate.
In this world there are levels of sharing. The relationship of marriage must be the deepest level of what the New Testament calls koinonia (fellowship, partnership, sharing).
Last Sunday the preacher gave the Trinitarian benediction from the last verse of 2 Cor. 13, but instead of ending with "the fellowship of the Holy Spirit," she said, "the radical bonding of the Holy Spirit."
Martin Luther King, Jr. said he had a dream. God has a dream too. Perhaps the closer we get to God, the more we can share in God's dream for the world.