I keep a hand-written journal; have for years. It's a way for me to take note of what's going on in my life in relation to other people, in relation to God, and in relation to my own psyche. I have found these questions useful at the end of the day:
Where did I experience God today?
For what am I grateful?
What did I learn to day?
What was the most interesting conversation that I had today?
What caused me to smile?
Did I compliment or thank someone?
Did I own my happiness today?
When did I feel most distant from God today?
Was I reactive or responsive?
Did I help someone else smile today?
I don't ask all of these questions every night.
Sometimes when I'm stuck with my journaling I glance at one or two.
For me, journaling is a spiritual practice.
It's an ongoing conversation with God.
At night we can give the day to the Lord,
and trust that his angels will watch over us while we sleep.
[photo taken by me in Birmingham, AL; window in chapel at St. Vincent Hospital]