At 2:00 pm on Sunday my car was parked there.
I was in my study working.
I heard a loud scraping-like noise outside.
Nothing hit my car but leaves.
The large limb had cracked, hit the lights
on the light pole in the picture,
and slid down to the ground.
The weather monitor in the main office
had gone off and said: High Wind Alert.
Okay, I thought, strong winds--so what?
But in Xenia you don't say So What? when high winds come.
It took me over an hour to get home.
It usually takes about 25 minutes.
All manner of things were flying across the highway.
The traffic lights were out and were swinging in wild arcs.
I was lucky.
Or did an angel push that limb
a little to the west
to miss my car?
Or does God cause luck?
Would it be arrogant for me to think God
was doing something special for me
that he didn't do for someone else?
Or is it faith to say such a thing?
We're all out on a limb.