The March 23 edition of Time Magazine has an aritcle entitled, "The New Calvinism" by David Van Biema. Many Presbyterians these days don't even know what 'Calvinism' is. But Calvinism is having a come-back. Not necessarily among Presbyterians though. Evangelicals, especially Baptists, are rediscovering Calvin. To most Americans, any thought of predestination is anathema. We believe in individual freedom. We believe in choices. We think we hold our destiny in our own hands.
Among Southern Baptists there is now a division along this line. The flagship seminary for the resurgence of Calvinism is the Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville. Which is ironic--since the Presbyterian Seminary in Louisville--which traces its heritage back to John Calvin--is less open to classic predestination than the Baptist Seminary. Among Southern Baptists there is the Calvinist group and the anti-Calvinist group. The Baptist minister in Minneapolis, John Piper, is an ardent Calvinist. He out-Calvins Calvins. The Bible that is being pushed in Christian bookstores--the ESV Bible--has a Calvinist slant. There are many Calvinist blogs in cyberspace, such as 'Between Two Worlds.'
Since this year celebrates the 500th birthday of John Calvin, our own denomination, the PCUSA, is putting out materials to affirm our heritage. This is also the 500th anniversay of the birth of Charles Darwin, whose father was a minister. Calvinism continues to evolve.