Monday, April 13, 2009


I'm working on the first of six sermons on Peter. This Sunday is the lection about Peter's divinely inspired confession of faith, followed quickly by his rebuke of Jesus -- Matthew 16. (We don't use the word 'rebuke' much anymore, do we?) Have you rebuked anyone lately? Or been rebuked? Is rebuking a 'buking over again'?

Since we're having a shortened service Sunday, I'm trying to figure out how to shorten the content of the sermon. What to address...what to leave out.

I think a main point might be how Peter misunderstands the mission of Jesus -- misunderstands the meaning of 'Christ' from God's viewpoint.

Then there is the 'Satan' comment by Jesus. (Get behind me, Satan!!) Wow. I wonder if Jesus shouted that? I wonder if he was mad? I wonder if he pointed his finger at Peter. Hmm.

And -- to shorten a worship service... what to leave out? what is essential? It's an interesting exercise to think about these things as I prepare the service.

Can't leave out the Offering.