There are three new Bible translations being worked on right now: the Common English Bible, the International Standard Version, and the New International Version 2011. Samples from these bibles can be read online. See the blog about this a the Better Bibles Blog.
You can read many versions of the bible online. Here are three Bible versions that I have downloaded to my computer: The Expanded New Testament; The Better Life Bible; The Net Bible. You can google those titles and find sites for downloading them free. Most any Bible version can be downloaded onto your computer, though most charge a fee. But you can read them online for free.
And if you want to read the Bible in its original Hebrew and Greek, that too is available online.
Our new technology is a blessing. The many versions of the Scriptures are blessings too. It reminds us that every version is an interpretation in some sense. It reminds us that we don't have the literal word of God, but only the interpreted word of God. Which gives us a little more humility.
If God had not wanted diversity in Scripture, he wouldn't have given us four gospels.
Take up the Scriptures--in many versions--read them, study them, mull them over, meditate upon them, and make them come alive in your life.