Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I'm in limbo.   
Not yet officially retired until January 1.
On vacation.
Vacated my job.
My job is covered.
Still have a job.
But not on the job.
Almost retired.
Just tired.
I usually go back to work
to rest up from vacation.
But now--no work to go back to
to rest up at.
When I'm retired,
I'll have no vacations.
Nothing to vacate.
If I get tired from
no job to go back to
to rest on.
No vacation to rest up from
since no job to vacate.

Tires on cars.
Entire is everything.
Attire is what you put on.
Tired is no rest.
The rest of the story
is the entire truth.
When attired in truth
the rest is easy.
To tire easily is to 
desire to retire.
The tires rest on the road.
To retire is to go to bed
and get some rest.
To test your tires
is to look at tread
and check the air.
Ere I make you tired
with this tale,
I rest my case
just in case
you dread
a retread
on the way to
