Friday, February 26, 2010

True Compass[ion]

I write this on February 26, the day after Obama held the televised bipartisan discussion on health care. The Republicans think the big bill is too expensive. But there may be more to it than that.

As I was reading Ted Kennedy's memoir (which someone gave me for Christmas), I was interested to read about the Clinton attempt at health care reform in the 90s. Kennedy writes that the real reason the Republicans were being obstructive toward the health care bill was admitted by Newt Gingrich in July of 1993. He told the New York Times that the House Republicans were going to use opposition to the bill as a springboard to win Republican control of the House in the November elections. Well, isn't that what's going on right now?

I hear concern on the Democratic side about the millions of uninsured Americans, but I never hear that concern on the Republican side. I think Jesus would line up with the Democrats on this. Couldn't all of us sacrifice a little in order for all Americans could have health insurance?


[True Compass by Edward M. Kennedy, published by Twelve , 2009]