Thursday, March 25, 2010

Retirement Reading

Since I retired on January 1st I've been enjoying reading what I want to instead of what I have to. Without the weekly deadline of writing 1500-word sermons, I can take my time delving into subjects that interest me.

Here are some books I have read since retiring:

  • A History of Russia
  • Reasons for the Russian Revolution
  • A Biography of Leon Trotsky
  • A History of the Balkans
  • Understanding Thomas Jefferson
  • Journeys – How Personal Experience Influences Theology
  • Ted Kennedy's Memoir
  • Beyond Tragedy – sermonic essays by Reinhold Niebuhr (re-read)
  • Becoming Man – a reinterpretation of Christian theology by Gregory Baum (re-read)


I am currently reading the memoirs of Vaclav Havel and a biography of Nancy Pelosi.

I am writing four books—at least they are all in process: a small book of anecdotes and memories of my mother's parents which I am collecting from my relatives; a book of 'daily prompts' for every day of the year; one entitled The Book & and the Bird—reflections on how my understanding of life has changed; and one entitled Amazing Grays—selections from my blogs of 2008 and 2009.

I haven't preached since Christmas Eve; but I'm not working on a sermon for the Third Sunday of Easter when I'll be filling in for a colleague.

We've had a few people look at our house, but no offers. It feels like we are in limbo. Patience is called for. But in the meantime we continue to pack and take things to the Goodwill, and occasionally sell something. We meet with an architect in Birmingham next month to begin planning our little house.