Thursday October 14, 2010
Didn't want to leave the apartment today. Was feleing melancholy, lonely...but went to Homewood Library…to Lulu site to update my book project. Had to look up formatting requirements.
Pat and I to apartment party in Mt. Brook – free pizza and drawing for prizes. I saw an old man with white beard – older than me – and a couple of women (one from India) about our age – so everyone in these apartments is not younger than we are.
To Walmart – bought new trash can for kitchen, a red one.
Also, online, read some history of Germany. I'm trying to grasp the ups & downs, ins & outs of that history, especially in regard to the Jewish people.
I've been thinking lately that my view of 'God' is similar to Jefferson's, Lincoln's, and Einstein's: not an interventionist, but source of Order, Harmony, Design, and Justice. Not so much 'a being' as the atmosphere of existence itself. God is to existence/universe as oxygen is to us.