Last Thursday we attended the Seder Meal at our church, complete with the Four Glasses of Wine drunk at various places in the liturgy. We just poured a little in the glass each time, which was a good idea since the Maundy Thursday service followed the Meal and we were singing in the choir and had choir practice after that. If I drank four glasses of wine I wouldn’t be able to stand up. One full glass is my limit. Debbie gave a great homily on the Last Supper and Jesus’ complete acceptance of all disciples, including Judas. She spoke of a bumper sticker we see down here (I don’t know if it is a national sticker) that has a red square with a blue circle in the middle—meaning: I am a Democrat surrounded by Republicans. Debbie pointed out that the liturgical color for Lent is purple, the combination of red and blue. She went on to speak of Jesus bringing all people together in his inclusive love and how we shouldn’t see people as ‘red’ or ‘blue’ or black or white, but as brothers and sisters in God’s love. Gospel. Even Judas was at the table—not excluded.
(I heard someone call Judas, "Judas Asparagus.")
Sunday: Second year I’ve been retired during Holy Week and Easter. Ministers have to plan and execute so many extra services during this time that they are exhausted on Easter Sunday evening.. Being retired, I finally get to ‘receive’ the celebrations in a more relaxed fashion. Pat and I sang in the choir this morning (Easter), including the Hallelujah Chorus for the Choral Benediction. My voice was almost gone after so much singing. In the afternoon we were invited over to Glory and Jim’s friends' house for a meal. It was luscious: leg of lamb, vegetable gratin (which included purple carrots), asparagus with hazelnut topping, roasted potatoes (with three varieties), challah bread, some frambroise before the meal and wine with the meal, and orange chiffon cake. These two friends are doctors. First time I’d ever been served food by an oncologist and a neurologist.
Thanks for your suggestions about my forthcoming blog. I'm still collecting responses. Sorry if I confused anyone about Nietzsche and coupons. They were not meant to be connected in any way.
I find myself at peace. Some things are becoming clear for me. Wilderness bewilderment is giving way to faith, hope, and clarity.