Thursday, August 13, 2009


I've not been familiar with Angelus Silesius. But I've read a couple of quotes recently from different sources and I became curious. It turns out that his real name is Johann Scheffler. He lived in the 1600s and was a physician. He started out as a Lutheran, but later in life became Catholic, and finally a priest. His writings are of the mystical nature.

Here are quotes I've come across:

"God whose love and joy are everywhere
can't come to visit unless you aren't there."

That says to me that we must 'disappear' -- that is, empty ourselves of ego and selfishness in order for God to really come into our lives and use us.

The second quote:

"How marvelous that I, a filthy clod,
may yet hold friendly converse with my God."

The marvelous opportunity of prayer! Do we take prayer for granted? Do we spend time conversing with the Source of life? Would right now be a good time to stop reading this blog and give thanks to God? Hmm?