Friday, December 3, 2010

My New Book

My new book is now available for purchase. You can find it at

Search either by my name or the title:

    Many Rooms, Many Windows: An Inclusive Perspective on Faith

It's a 230 page paperback. It is being processed now for Amazon's site also. So, probably before the end of December it will be available at

I think it's a pretty good book. It will make you ponder your beliefs; it may be an encouragement to you; it will certainly make you laugh at various points; it may make you cry; (well, probably not—unless you want your money back).

You can help this old minister's retirement fund by buying more than one. Give one to a friend—or an enemy.

In this book I reflect on many subjects, such as: nuns, waffles, jazz, politics, Lincoln, depression, bugs, salvation, Book of Revelation, football, Oral Roberts, Tim Tebow, Tiger Woods, Jews, forgiveness, etc.

I probably got something wrong—I don't claim infallibility. But I urge the reader to become less dogmatic and more open to the movement of the Spirit.

After you read it, I welcome your comments or ideas. Right now I'm collecting and editing stories from my relatives about my grandfather and grandmother. It will become a small book to be published early next year. I'm also working on a kind of 'daily devotional' book that I began a couple of years ago. I'm not sure how long it will take to finish.

May God's peace slap you in the face every morning and wake you up to the wonders of life.