I'm hanging in there...sucking all the nectar I can out of vacation days. I went downtown yesterday and voted. Yep, all over with. No long lines for me.
Trimmed ivy and raked leaves today. (The Fall of Leaves is not as serious as the Fall of Man.)
I've been reading essays on the Biblical and theological framework of Melville's great novel, Moby Dick. And I've re-read large sections of Augustine's Confessions--both in Maria Boulding's translation (1998) and the newer one by Garry Wills (2006).
We have friends coming over tonight. Tomorrow I start back to work: Jack's surgery in the morning -- wedding rehearsal in the evening... Esther's surgery Saturday morning...Wedding Saturday afternoon... Vacation Sunday morning, but a meeting at the church in the afternoon; then a supper/stewardship meeting in the evening. Monday morning is Personnel staff reviews. Tuesday is Committee on Ministry meeting and Session meeting.
[I took the photo at Cox Arboretum]