But the Psalm that is quoted most often in the New Testament is Psalm 110.
Around 27 times this psalm is quoted or directly alluded to.
Jesus quotes it during an argument with the religious leaders in Matthew 22.44 (and Mk 12 and Lk 20); Peter quotes it on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2.34-35); Paul quotes it: 1 Cor. 15.25; Eph 1.20; Col. 3.1; Stephen alludes to it in Acts 7.56; Peter in his letter: 1 Pet. 3.22; the letter to the Hebrews: chapters 5,7,8, & 10.
Psalm 110 is a prophesy of Jesus as Lord, Messiah, King, High Priest and Judge.
The central message of the Book of Psalms is "God is King."
The psalms anticipate the Davidic King who will establish an everlasting kingdom.
The New Testament message is that Jesus is that King.
[photo by me]