Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The mark of the chicken

The other day at the Chick-fil-A... I ordered my meal. The young women looked at me and said, "That will be $6.66." I reached in my pocket to get my money. "Is that okay?" she said. "Sure," I said. "Well, I thought I'd ask--because some people freak out when the total is '666'--they either want to add something to their order or delete something--so the number isn't '666.'"

It didn't bother me. A chicken sandwich, waffle fries, and a sweetened tea that comes to $6.66 is not a spiritual experience for me. Even though '666' is the 'mark of the Beast' in Revelation 13, I'm not concerned that the Antichrist might be a chicken. I've already figured out that the American Automobile Association is the Antichrist. Well, if A=6, then 666=AAA. Of course the KKK could also fit if 6=K. That would make more sense since the KKK is more evil than the AAA. In fact, I've never had any trouble with the services of AAA. But then the Better Business Bureau (BBB) could be the culprit. Oh, wait! The World Wide Web! That's it! The evil WWW is trying to take over our lives. 6=W!

Now I feel better. The chicken is not the Beast. It's the internet.

Anyway, it was good lunch.