An article in USA Today reminded me that there is a great deal of misunderstanding about the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
That story has nothing to do with homosexuality. If you read it closely you will see that it is about a bunch of heterosexual men who want to gang rape a couple of angels. Nowhere in Scripture is S & G denounced in connection with homosexuality.
In fact, the only clear description of the sin of S & G is in Ezekiel 16 where the prophet says "the sin of Sodom was that she was arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; the citizens did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me [God]." (The 'detestable things' in Ezekiel are usually about idolatry, and indeed Ezek. 16 is about just that--idolatry.) But the prophet is clear that Sodom's sin was arrogance and an unconcern for the poor.
I think our current debate about health care in the U.S. could well compare us to Sodom if we do not extend health care to all people. That would be the sin of Sodom right here--unconcern for the poor and needy. Like the city of Sodom we are "overfed" -- we have the money; but we let insurance companies run the show.
Jesus, who talked about the "least of these" is watching us to see if we are indeed a "Christian" country.