We are going to be moving to Birmingham as soon as we sell our house, so the following news report gave me pause…
Court officials in Jefferson County, Alabama (Birmingham) were skeptical at first when they encountered a potential juror who said her name was "Jesus Christ." But the 59-year-old woman, who had her name changed in probate court, assured the presiding judge that was her name. Christ was called to jury duty for a criminal case but was excused because she was disruptive. Instead of answering questions, Christ was asking them. [Religious New Service]
If you're an avid Bible reader, that will sound familiar. Jesus often took people by surprise by asking them questions. "Who do you say that I am?" he asked his disciples. "Whose image is on this coin?" he asked the authorities when they tried to trap him with a question about paying taxes. "Where is the man?" he asked the authorities who brought a woman caught in adultery.
Maybe Jesus sees the bumper sticker that says, "Jesus is the Answer," and yells out in disgust, "No, I'm not the Answer, I'm the Question." We all want answers. And we especially want The Answer. But the modus operandi of Jesus is to pull the rug out from under us with questions of his own put to us. The parables of Jesus function that way. He tells a story, one that leaves you hanging or surprises the heck out of you. He is teasing you into reconsidering what you thought you knew for sure. He is interrogating our souls.
So, the next time you have a little talk with Jesus, don't interrupt him—listen to his questions. He wants us to be The Answers to the world's cries.
Meanwhile, as Pat and I get ready to move to Birmingham, I'll have to look up Jesus Christ when I get there and see what question she has for me.