Some time back I was listening to an interview on NPR.
They were talking about football--some consideration of rule changes.
I can't remember if it had to do with salary caps or concussions or recruiting procedures or what.
Nevertheless, it was definitely about football.
At one point the interviewee said he had confidence in those who were debating the issue, and that he was sure they would 'step up to the plate' and do the right thing.
Neither the interviewer nor the interviewee seemed to notice
that a baseball metaphor had intruded into the football discussion.
If football officials can 'step up to the plate' and do the right thing,
then I suppose baseball officials can 'put it through the uprights.'
And golf officials can serve an ace, while tennis officials can make a hole in one.
Isn't life confusing enough without mixing sports metaphors like a chef mixes muffin batter? I think we should stop mixing things up. William F. Buckley confused me when he was for decriminalizing drugs. And Sarah Palin confuses me when she pretends to know about foreign policy. The Ku Klux Klan confuses me when they burn the symbol of love. And Rush Limbaugh confuses me when he says he is against falsehood.
Life is complex. But there is no reason to make it more complex than it needs to be. When the NFL steps up to the plate, it makes me think that the Republican Party really cares about the health care of the people of America, or that Senator Mitch McConnell wants to be bipartisan.
Now, maybe it's a good thing if the NFL steps up to the plate. And maybe it's a good thing that I get mixed up. Some people think I'm mixed up all the time anyway. And maybe I am. But if I'm mixed up, I don't want to be confused about it. Mixing metaphors is strike three when you're on the one yard line right by a sand trap in the second set of the Derby. Okay. Enough. Enough! My head is a Dreidel in Hitler's grave.