Well, I met with the Stated Clerk of the presbytery here about transferring my membership from Miami Valley. She was very helpful. My next step is to contact the Committee on Ministry chairperson about my desire to transfer, along with my PIF and a one-page Statement of Faith.
Well. Writing a statement of faith at this point in my faith journey will be interesting. My faith is in transition. Ever since retiring I have been reassessing what I believe and how to communicate that. I guess this requirement to write a statement is a blessing in disguise; it will force me to focus on what is important to me now, and I will see what my faith vocabulary looks like.
Words are a problem when it comes to faith and theology. They crack; they don't hold (holy) water; they point at best. So much of what I 'believe' can't be put into words. These days my faith is more felt that thunk.
Perhaps my statement of faith should be something like: "Wow! Oh! Hmmm. Really? Man alive! Bam! Whew. (Sigh.) Jesus!"