Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Holy Energy

"Quantum Spirituality" is the name of
an article by William J. O'Malley in America
magazine (May 10, 2010).
O'Malley reflects on the relationship between
science and faith.
I'm interested by his suggestion that we 
substitute the word 'Energy' for 'Spirit'
in the Bible and see what a difference it makes.
Our world is made up of energy.
In Exodus 3.14 God tells Moses the divine
name is Ehyeh asher ehyeh, "I am who am" --

the pool of existence out of which everything draws its "is."
O'Malley asserts that God is not 'out there' somewhere,
but is embedded in nature and the process of the
evolving world.

He quotes the Irish theologian Diarmuid I'Murchu
who says that the Hebrew term for God's 'word'
is best translated as "an irresistible creative energy
exploding into prodigious creativity."

And being the author of 'Amazing Grays,' I like
this sentence by O'Mallery:

The quantum principle of complementarity tolerates ambiguity, approximation, probability and paradox.

What O'Mallery is saying is that spirituality and science
are both about the Energy that pervades the world.
Matter is not basically solid.
E = mc2 means energy (E) is the same as mass (m)
times (c)  the speed of light, squared.
That is, energy is mass; mass is energy.
There is nothing 'solid' -- everything is moving,
a form of energy.
Spirituality is the search for meaning.
Who are we?
Why are we here?
O'Mallery says: Our lives are either speckles of
light against infinite darkness
or smudges of gray within finite Light.
We are here to discover our shining (see Mt. 5.14).