I went for my annual eye exam the other day. It had been four years since my last exam. Oh well. After reading all the little letters and having lights shined in my eyes, the doctor said I have good eyes. No problems. Just the normal deterioration from aging. I bought new lenses (wow – that sets you back!) and drove home with that funny glare that you get after 'seeing' the eye doctor.
I guess I'm lucky. So many people have eye problems. By the way, the doctor told me that reading a lot doesn't hurt the eyes. Anyway, human eyes are mysterious things. Some conservative Jesus-followers argue that the complexity of the human eye proves Intelligent Design. Secular scientists disagree and say that evolving complexity over millions of years is just natural.
I think it's significant that the Gospels have a number of stories about Jesus healing the blind. The story in John 9 is particularly powerful. One could say that a major spiritual problem is spiritual blindness. We don't see life as it really is. But God gives us 'new eyes' as we learn to see things the way Jesus sees them. God gives us right vision.
I wonder why all Christians don't see things the same way? Why so much disagreement?
Of course the main problem we humans have in relation to God and each other is an 'eye' problem. It's the eye right in the middle of the word sin.