But here is something interesting: There seems to be a liberal caucus of nuns and a conservative caucus. A national organization called the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) relates to the liberal nuns. And the Conference of organization. (I'll refer to them as the L nuns and the C nuns.)

Sister Ilia Delio, writing in the Jesuit publication America (Oct. 12, 2009) says that from her perspective (as an L nun) the difference between the two groups is the fear of change. Her personal experience began as a C nun and journeyed beyond that perspective into the land of L nuns. She felt restrained and claustrophobic in the C nun world. It wasn't the type of spirituality she was made for. When she came in contact with a different breed of nuns, a more activist, liberal-minded order, she discovered that there are nuns and there are 'nuns.' The newly discovered nuns had none of the numbing characteristics of the old nuns. The new nuns had a habit of wearing jeans and sweatshirts. They seemed more alive. Her vocation as a nun was saved by her connection with fun nuns.
My own perspective is that there is a place for both C nuns and L nuns. It takes all kinds. Recently the Vatican has begun an investigation of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (L nuns). Let's hope this doesn't become a habit.