I read recently in the newspaper The Christian Science Monitor an article about the nature of God's existence in relationship to space.
(Oct. 25, 2009 edition)
The article said:
Sojourner Truth once said, "God is the great house that holds all His children; we dwell in Him as the fishes dwell in the seas."
Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science, described God as infinite Mind, filling all space. She wrote, "It would require an infinite form to contain infinite Mind. Indeed, infinite form involves a contradiction of terms."
Therefore, since Mind includes all, there is no "outer" space to God.
[my comments]:
The Bible agrees.
Everything lives in God.
Paul said, "In God we live and move and have our being."
We tend to think of God as "out there" somewhere.
But not so.
We are IN God.
God is not remote.
We need no remote control to connect with God.
God is our home.
We dwell in him.
He is the Sea.
Our being is in BEING.
Where is God?
All around.
In us...through us...beyond us.
We shall dwell in the House of the Lord forever.
He is the House.