In Psalm two the nations are plotting against God. We might say, "The plot sickens." But how does God respond to this international conspiracy? He laughs. (see Ps. 2. 4)
I believe there is only one other place in Scripture where God-in-heaven laughs, and that is in Ps. 37.13. God laughs.
Many of us have been reared to intellectually conceive of God as an old man with a frown on his face. Now, when God laughs in the Psalms, he is laughing as an expression of judgment. The laughter is a scoffing, mocking laughter. So, it's not exactly a giggling God that we see. Nevertheless, to 'see' God's 'mouth' stretch into a smile is an important vision.
With the coming of Jesus into the world, the laugh of God becomes a smile of mercy. Perhaps we could say that Jesus is God's Smile.
We know God has a sense of humor. All we have to do is look around... Look at the funny looking animals he evolved. Look in the mirror.
I think comedians have a natural ministry to all of us. God blesses us through comedy. (Of course some comedians are so coarse that the funniness gets lost.) I remember reading a sermon by Reinhold Niebuhr that connects humor and faith. Laughter is a form of ecstasy--a 'going-out-of-one's-self.' To get outside of ourselves is a movement in the direction of faith and love.
Some of the very serious religious leaders of Jesus' day thought he had too much fun. Anyone having that much fun must be doing something wrong, they thought.
For me, learning to laugh at myself is an important part of my spirituality. Lately I've had much to laugh at when I look back at my anxiety about things--my worries and my fears and my anger.
I wonder why the words grinning and grace and gratitude all start the same way.