Psalm 3.3: "But you, Lord, are a shield around me." (TNIV)
God as our 'shield' is mentioned a number of times in the Psalms.
Way back in Genesis God promised to be a shield for Abraham (Gen. 15.1).
Shields are usually in front of the protectee (as in the picture).
But David says that God is a shield 'around me.'
Imagine that. A shield that goes all around you.
When I go walking in our neighborhood I see some yards
with those invisible fences that keep dogs in the yard.
I always hope they are working so that some big dog doesn't
shoot out of the yard and bite me on the leg.
Perhaps we can imagine an invisible shield all around us as we
go about our day.
God's invisible protection wards off attitudes and words
and thoughts from other people.
Sticks and stones can break my bones, but....
Invisible protection.
Thanks, Lord.