Today, after getting poked for a blood test, receiving a tetanus/whooping cough injection, and a prostate exam, I headed to a restaurant to get some cholesterol and fat. For some reason I had a hankering to go to the Waffle House. Now that there is no smoking in restaurants, the Waffle House is much more pleasant. I'm always amazed at the people who eat at Waffle Houses. It was pretty cold this morning, but a 70-ish man came in with a T-shirt and shorts on. I don't get it. Other people had on heavy coats. The waitresses seemed to know many of these people. They would greet them by their first names. I don't like it when a waitress calls me 'honey.' But she did. Anyway, I had a good waffle with bacon; and some coffee. She tried to fill up my coffee cup three or four times; but I wouldn't let her. One cup is enough. In the Waffle House people come in with toboggans on, and leave them on while they eat. I enjoyed my waffle. But I wish I hadn't looked over the counter where they were cooking.
[photo: my granddaughter, enjoying food]