easy solutions, to predictable outcomes.
But Christ calls us to surrender. "Into Thy hands..." is the Christian mantra.
Hanging onto our earthly securities is the habit of our lower nature.
In the natural cycle there must be death in order for new life to come. In our life of faith, the same is true.
As a leader I've had to let go of my attempts to change other people and their attitudes. I knew better; but my lower nature got the best of me. I'm learning to let go--to surrender to reality, which is to cooperate with the Holy One.
Sometimes our expectations have to die in order for God's will to be done. "I will not let go! I will not let go!" we cry. But we're wasting our breath. The wind of God will eventually blow us loose from our fears and illusions.
Baptized people have been grafted into Christ. It is that vital connection that gives life.
I'm still learning to let go.
[photo by me.]