A former parishioner (in fact, an Elder) gave Pat and me tickets to a concert last week. He was one of the singers. It was held in a UCC church in downtown Dayton. I had never been there before. The sanctuary reminded me of the church I grew up in. My home church had 900 people in Sunday School; and about 1200 in worship (two services). And like this church it had a large balcony, and the whole sanctuary was rounded. For the concert this old church was almost full. People of all ages gathered on a cold winter night to hear voices sing both sacred and secular Christmas music.
One song was particularly poignant. It was about a person wanting to attend Christmas Eve services, but was afraid that he wouldn't be accepted. Finally he found a church that welcomed him.
This was the first time I had ever heard the Dayton Gay Men's Chorus. They were very good.
(I kept waiting for them to sing the Christmas Carol that says: "Now we don our gay apparrel...Fa la la, la la la, la la la." But they never did.)