Did you see the video of the reporter throwing his shoes at President Bush? They explained that in the Middle Eastern culture throwing shoes or hitting someone with a shoe is a way of expressing displeasure. Remember the gospel passage where Jesus tells his disciples to go to the villages and preach and heal...and if the villagers wouldn't accept them, to shake the dust off of their sandals? Same thing. Shaking their shoes would express their displeasure at the villagers' unwelcome attitude.
I'm sorry Americans are learning about this custom. We may have to post ushers around the pulpit to catch the shoes. However, shoes are better than eggs or tomatoes.
I'm a soul-winner, not a sole-winner.
However, shoes are important. Paul writes: "As shoes for your feet, put on whatever will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of peace." (Eph. 6.15, NRSV)
One thing I don't understand: Why in the world do women wear those high heel shoes?