[our cats -- Oliver & Tillich]
There is a picturesque description of sin in Psalm 7. Verse 14 says, "Those who are pregnant with evil conceive trouble and give birth to disillusionment" (TNIV).
The context implies that the 'evil' is violence (v. 9). So--don't mess around with violence or violent people. If you do, you'll get into trouble, and be the proud parent of a bouncing baby boy named Disillusionment.
The illusion of control by violence is one Jesus didn't buy into. Jesus told us to bless our enemies rather than whack them. Jesus could have resorted to violence, but he didn't. Some of his disciples carried knives.
Now, national security is another matter. Jesus never ran for office. He couldn't get elected. The President has to believe in bombs and missiles. Nations don't play by the same rules as individuals. Violence is part of a responsible national security policy. Violence is necessary. On the international level non-violence is the illusion.
There is no such thing as a Christian nation. If there was, it wouldn't last long.