[photo made in Xenia]
Someone said that in the course of life a small number of people will like you, a small number will dislike you, and the vast majority won't care one way or the other.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh once said, that our health and our regard for ourselves will be compromised "if day after day you do the opposite of what you desire, you say the opposite of what you believe, you allow yourself to be pushed and pulled where you do not want to go. The most exhausting thing in my life is being insincere."
Here's a bit of wisdom: "When your horse dies, get off!"
Garrison Keillor said on A Prairie Home Companion, "Give up your good Christian life and follow Christ."
Alan Watts wrote: "Rigid people feel some basic disgust with wiggles. They want to get things straight. But who can straighten our water?"
Gregg Levoy, writing about how we need to face our problems and fears head on, says, "You've got to be willing to boogie with the boogeyman."
(All of the above quotes are from Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life by Gregg Levoy)
Lord, give us the courage to boogey.... Make us less rigid... Help us to follow you--really follow you... Give us the courage to be sincere and authentic, not just playing a role... Let us give up living to be liked... Get us off the dead horse. Amen.